# zoom

# Introduction

Add zoom functionality for BetterScroll.

# Install

npm install @better-scroll/zoom --save

// or

yarn add @better-scroll/zoom

# Usage

import zoom, then call BScroll.use().

import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
import Zoom from '@better-scroll/zoom'


pass in the correct configuration in options, for example:

new BScroll('.bs-wrapper', {
  freeScroll: true,
  scrollX: true,
  scrollY: true,
  zoom: {
    start: 1,
    min: 0.5,
    max: 2

The following is related to zoom plugin and BetterScroll configuration:

  • zoom(for plugin)

    Enable zoom functionality. That is to say, the zoom plugin won't work without the zoom option, see zoom option.

  • freeScroll

    If you want to scroll in x and y axies after zooming in, the freeScroll value should be set to true. In addtional, scrollX and scrollY are also need to be true.

  • scrollX

    true is be required if you want to scroll in x axies after zooming in.

  • scrollY

    true is be required if you want to scroll in y axies after zooming in.

# Demo


pc is not allowed, scan the qrcode.

  <div class="zoom-default">
    <div class="zoom-wrapper" ref="zoom">
      <div class="zoom-items">
        <div class="grid-item" v-for="num in nums" :key="num">{{num}}</div>
    <div class="btn-wrap">
      <button class="zoom-half" @click="zoomTo(0.5)">zoomTo:0.5</button>
      <button class="zoom-original" @click="zoomTo(1)">zoomTo:1</button>
      <button class="zoom-double" @click="zoomTo(2)">zoomTo:2</button>
    <div class="linkwork-wrap">
      <p>changing with zooming action</p>
      <div class="linkwork-block" :style="{transform: linkworkTransform}"></div>

# Option

# start

  • Type: number

  • Default: 1

    Initial scale.

# min

  • Type: number

  • Default: 1

    min scale.

# max

  • Type: number

  • Default: 4

    max scale.

# initialOrigin

  • Type: [OriginX, OriginY]

    • OriginX: number | 'left' | 'right' | 'center'
    • OriginY: number | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center'
  • Default: [0, 0]

    The origin of first initializing zoom instance, It is valid when start is not 1.The origin is all based on the coordinate system of scaled element.

  • Examples

  new BScroll('.bs-wrapper', {
    // ... other configuration
    zoom: {
      initialOrigin: [50, 50], // Based on 'scaled element', offsetLeft is 50px, offsetRight is 50px
      initialOrigin: [0, 0], // Based on 'scaled element', the left vertex
      initialOrigin: ['left', 'top'], // same as above
      initialOrigin: ['center', 'center'], // Based on 'scaled element', center position
      initialOrigin: ['right', 'top'], // Based on 'scaled element', the right vertex

When you initialize zoom, you usually focus on zooming with the endpoint or center. You can refer to the above example.

# minimalZoomDistance

  • Type: number

  • Default: 5

    When you zoom with two fingers, only when the zoom distance exceeds minimalZoomDistance, the zoom will take effect.

# bounceTime

  • Type: number

  • Default: 800(ms)

    When the two fingers continue to zoom and the scale exceeds the threshold of max, when the two fingers leave, the internal "bounce" to the form of max, and bounceTime is the animation of this "bounce" behavior duration.


When zoom is configured as true, the plugin uses the default plugin option.

const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {
  zoom: true

// equals

const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {
  zoom: {
    start: 1,
    min: 1,
    max: 4,
    initialOrigin: [0, 0],
    minimalZoomDistance: 5,
    bounceTime: 800, // ms

# Instance Methods

# zoomTo(scale, x, y, [bounceTime])

  • Arguments

    • {number} scale: scale ratio
    • {OriginX} x: The x of origin that is based on the left vertex of the scaled element
      • OriginX: 'number | 'left' | 'right' | 'center'
    • {OriginY} y: The y of origin that is based on the left vertex of the scaled element
      • OriginY: 'number | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center'
    • {number} [bounceTime]<Optional>: Animation duration of a zoom action

    Scale the element with [x, y] as the coordinate origin. x and y can be not only number, but also corresponding string, because general scenes are scaled based on endpoints or centers.

  • Examples

const bs = new BScroll('.bs-wrapper', {
  freeScroll: true,
  scrollX: true,
  scrollY: true,
  zoom: {
    start: 1,
    min: 0.5,
    max: 2
// scaled to 1.8 based on the bottom left point of the scaled element
bs.zoomTo(1.8, 'left', 'bottom')
// animation duration is 1000ms
bs.zoomTo(1.8, 'left', 'bottom', 1000)
// scaled to 1.8 based on offsetLeft 100px & offsetTop 100px of the scaled element
bs.zoomTo(1.8, 100, 100)
// scaled to 2 based on the center of scaled element
bs.zoomTo(2, 'center', 'center')

# Events

# beforeZoomStart

  • Arguments: none
  • Trigger timing: When two fingers touch the scaled element, it does not include directly calling the zoomTo method

# zoomStart

  • Arguments: none
  • Trigger timing: The two finger zoom distance exceeds the minimum threshold minimalZoomDistance, and the zoom will start soon. it does not include directly calling the zoomTo method

# zooming

  • Arguments: { scale }

  • Type: { scale: number }

  • Trigger timing: the process of two-finger zooming action in progress or directly calling zoomTo to zoom

  • Examples:

  const bs = new BScroll('.bs-wrapper', {
    freeScroll: true,
    scrollX: true,
    scrollY: true,
    zoom: {
      start: 1,
      min: 0.5,
      max: 2

  bs.on('zooming', ({ scale }) => {
    // use scale
    console.log(scale) // current scale

# zoomEnd

  • Arguments: { scale }
  • Type: { scale: number }
  • Trigger timing: After two finger zooming behavior ends (if there is a rebound, the trigger timing is after the rebound animation ends) or after calling zoomTo to complete the zoom


In the zoom scenario, you should listen to events such as zoomStart, zooming, zoomEnd, and not the lower-level scroll and scrollEnd events, otherwise it may not match your expectations.