# nested-scroll

# Introduction

Coordinates nested BetterScroll scrolling behavior.


v2.1.0 supports BetterScroll with Multi Nesting, with more powerful functions and better performance. Only Double Nesting is supported in old version, please upgrade to v2.1.0 as soon as possible.


v2.1.0 Perfectly solves the problem that the click event of multi-level nested BetterScroll is dispatched multiple times.

# Install

npm install @better-scroll/nested-scroll --save

// or

yarn add @better-scroll/nested-scroll

# Usage

import the nested-scroll plugin and use it with the static method BScroll.use()

  import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
  import NestedScroll from '@better-scroll/nested-scroll'


After the above steps are completed, nestedScroll is configured in BScroll's options.

  // < v2.1.0
  // parent bs
  new BScroll('.outerWrapper', {
    nestedScroll: true
  // child bs
  new BScroll('.innerWrapper', {
    nestedScroll: true

  // >= v2.1.0
  // parent bs
  new BScroll('.outerWrapper', {
    nestedScroll: {
      groupId: 'dummy-divide' // string or number
  // child bs
  new BScroll('.innerWrapper', {
    nestedScroll: {
      groupId: 'dummy-divide'

BetterScroll instances (bs) with the same groupId share the same NestedScroll instance(ns), ns will coordinate the scrolling behavior of each bs, once a bs is destroyed, ns will lose control of it, for example:

// parent bs
const bs1 = new BScroll('.outerWrapper', {
  nestedScroll: {
    groupId: 'shared' // string or number
// child bs
const bs2 = new BScroll('.innerWrapper', {
  nestedScroll: {
    groupId: 'shared'

console.log(bs1.plugins.nestedScroll === bs2.plugins.nestedScroll) // true

// nestedScroll no longer constrains bs2
// nestedScroll no longer coordinates the scrolling behavior of bs1 and bs2

# Demo

  • Nested vertical scroll 2.1.0

      <div class="container">
        <div ref="outerScroll" class="outer-wrapper">
          <div class="outer-content">
              <li class="outer-list-item" @click="handleOuterClick" v-for="(item, index) in outerOpenData" :key="index">{{item}}</li>
            <div ref="innerScroll" class="inner-wrapper">
              <ul class="inner-content">
                <li class="inner-list-item" v-for="(item, index) in innerData" @click="handleInnerClick" :key="index">{{item}}</li>
              <li class="outer-list-item" @click="handleOuterClick" v-for="(item, index) in outerCloseData" :key="index">{{item}}</li>
  • Nested triple vertical scroll 2.1.0

      <div class="container">
        <div ref="outerScroll" class="outer-wrapper">
          <div class="outer-content">
              <li class="outer-list-item" @click="handleOuterClick" v-for="(item, index) in outerOpenData" :key="index">{{item}}</li>
            <div ref="middleScroll"  class="middle-wrapper">
              <div class="middle-content">
                  <li class="middle-list-item" @click="handleMiddleClick" v-for="(item, index) in middleOpenData" :key="index">{{item}}</li>
                <div ref="innerScroll" class="inner-wrapper">
                  <ul class="inner-content">
                    <li class="inner-list-item" v-for="(item, index) in innerData" @click="handleInnerClick" :key="index">{{item}}</li>
                  <li class="middle-list-item" @click="handleMiddleClick" v-for="(item, index) in middleCloseData" :key="index + 100">{{item}}</li>
              <li class="outer-list-item" @click="handleOuterClick" v-for="(item, index) in outerCloseData" :key="index + 100">{{item}}</li>
  • Nested horizontal scroll 2.1.0

  • Nested horizontal with vertical scroll 2.1.0

# Instance Methods 2.1.0


All methods are proxied to BetterScroll instance, for example:

import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
import NestedScroll from '@better-scroll/nested-scroll'


const bs1 = new BScroll('.parent-wrapper', {
  nestedScroll: {
    groupId: 'dummy'

const bs2 = new BScroll('.child-wrapper', {
  nestedScroll: {
    groupId: 'dummy'

// purge nestedScroll
// bs1 and bs2 share the same nestedScroll instance because they have the same groupId
bs1.purgeNestedScroll() // Same as bs2.purgeNestedScroll()

# purgeNestedScroll()

  • Details: Purge the nestedScroll that controls itself


Different groupId will generate different nestedScroll, and the same groupId will share the same nestedScroll, so you should call purgeNestedScroll at the right time (such as when the component is destroyed) to clean up the memory. Or you can call the destroy method of BetterScroll to remove itself from nestedScroll, for example:

const bs1 = new BScroll('.parent-wrapper', {
  nestedScroll: {
    groupId: 'dummy'

const bs2 = new BScroll('.child-wrapper', {
  nestedScroll: {
    groupId: 'dummy'

bs1.destroy() // nestedScroll no longer constrains bs1
bs2.destroy() // nestedScroll no longer constrains bs2

# Static Methods 2.1.0

# getAllNestedScrolls()

  • Details: Get all current nestedScroll instances

  • Returns: An array of nestedScroll instances

import NestedScroll from '@better-scroll/nested-scroll'

const nestedScrolls: NestedScroll[] = NestedScroll.getAllNestedScrolls()

# purgeAllNestedScrolls()

  • Details: Purge all current nestedScroll instances
import NestedScroll from '@better-scroll/nested-scroll'

// No longer constrain any BetterScroll instances