# slide

# Introduction

slide expands the ability of carousel for BetterScroll.

# Install

npm install @better-scroll/slide --save

// or

yarn add @better-scroll/slide

# Usage

import slide, then call BScroll.use().

  import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
  import Slide from '@better-scroll/slide'


pass in the correct configuration in options, for example:

  new BScroll('.bs-wrapper', {
    scrollX: true,
    scrollY: false,
    slide: {
      threshold: 100
    momentum: false,
    bounce: false,
    stopPropagation: true

The following is related to slide plugin and BetterScroll configuration:

  • slide(for plugin)

    Enable zoom functionality. That is to say, the zoom plugin won't work without the zoom options, see slide options.

  • scrollX

    When the value is true, set the direction of slide to horizontal.

  • scrollY

    When the value is true, set the direction of slide to vertical. Note: scrollX and scrollY cannot be set to true at the same time

  • momentum

    When using slide, this value needs to be set to false to avoid the problem of flickering during fast scrolling caused by inertial animation and the problem of scrolling multiple pages at a time during fast sliding.

  • bounce

    The bounce value needs to be set to false, otherwise it will flicker when the loop is true.

  • probeType

    If you want to register the slideWillChange event to get the change of the PageIndex of the slide in real time when the user drags the slide, you need to set the probeType value to 2 or 3.

# Terms about slide

In general, the layout of BetterScroll's slide is as follows:

<div class="slide-wrapper">
  <div class="slide-content">
    <div class="slide-page"><div>
    <div class="slide-page"><div>
    <div class="slide-page"><div>
    <div class="slide-page"><div>
  • slide-wrapper

    slide container.

  • slide-content

    slide scroll element.

  • slide-page

    slide is composed of multiple Pages.


    In the loop scenario, two more pages will be inserted before and after the slide-content to achieve the visual effect of seamless scrolling.


    The slide-content must have at least one slide-page, if there is only one page, the loop configuration is invalid

# Demo

  • Horizontal Slide

      <div class="slide-banner">
        <div class="banner-wrapper">
          <div class="slide-banner-wrapper" ref="slide">
            <div class="slide-banner-content">
              <div v-for="num in nums" class="slide-page" :class="'page' + num" :key="num">page {{num}}</div>
          <div class="dots-wrapper">
              v-for="num in nums"
              :class="{'active': currentPageIndex === (num - 1)}"></span>
        <div class="btn-wrap">
          <button class="next" @click="nextPage">nextPage</button>
          <button class="prev" @click="prePage">prePage</button>
  • Fullscreen Slide

  • Vertical Slide

  • Dynamic Slide 2.1.0

  • Initial PageIndex Slide 2.3.0


    Note: When setting useTransition = true, there may be flickering on some iPhone systems. You need to add the following two additional styles to each slide-page like the code in the above demo:

    transform: translate3d(0,0,0)
    backface-visibility: hidden

# slide options


When slide is configured as true, the plugin uses the default plugin option.

const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {
  slide: true

// equals

const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {
  slide: {
    loop: true,
    threshold: 0.1,
    speed: 400,
    easing: ease.bounce,
    listenFlick: true,
    autoplay: true,
    interval: 3000

# loop

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Is it possible to loop. But when there is only one element, this setting does not take effect.

# autoplay

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Whether to enable auto play.

# interval

  • Type: number
  • Default: 3000

The interval before the next play.

# speed

  • Type: number
  • Default: 400

the default duration of Page animation.

# easing

  • Type: EaseItem
    • { string } style: for transition-timing-function
    • { Function } fn: When setting useTransition:false, the animation curve is determined by easing.fn.
  • Default:
  style: 'cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1)',
  fn: function(t: number) {
    return 1 - --t * t * t * t

Scrolling easing effect.

# listenFlick

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

When quickly flicking across the slide area, it will trigger the switch to the previous/next page. Set listenFlick to false to turn off the effect.

# threshold

  • Type: number
  • Default: 0.1


When the scrolling distance is less than the threshold, the switch to the next or previous one will not be triggered.

It can be set to a decimal, such as 0.1, or an integer, such as 100. When the value is a decimal, the threshold is treated as a percentage, and the final threshold is slideWrapperWidth * threshold or slideWrapperHeight * threshold. When the value is an integer, the threshold is threshold.

The threshold of the next or previous Page.

# startPageXIndex 2.3.0

  • Type: number
  • Default: 0

Initial pageXIndex when slide is created.

# startPageYIndex 2.3.0

  • Type: number
  • Default: 0

Initial pageYIndex when slide is created.

# Instance Methods


All methods are proxied to BetterScroll instance, for example:

import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
import Slide from '@better-scroll/slide'


const bs = new BScroll('.bs-wrapper', {
  slide: true


# next([time], [easing])

  • Arguments:
    • { number } time<Optional>: Animation duration, default is options.speed
    • { EaseItem } easing<Optional>: Ease effect configuration, refer to ease.ts (opens new window), the default is bounce effect
    interface EaseItem {
      style: string
      fn(t: number): number

Scroll to the next page.

# prev([time], [easing])

  • Arguments:
    • { number } time<Optional>: Animation duration, default is options.speed
    • { EaseItem } easing<Optional>: Ease effect configuration, refer to ease.ts (opens new window), the default is bounce effect

Scroll to the previous page.

# goToPage(pageX, pageY, [time], [easing])

  • Arguments:
    • { number } pageX: Scroll horizontally to the Page of the corresponding index, the subscript starts from 0
    • { number } pageY: Scroll vertically to the Page of the corresponding index, the subscript starts from 0
    • { number } time<Optional>: Animation duration, default is options.speed
    • { EaseItem } easing<Optional>: Ease effect configuration, refer to ease.ts (opens new window), the default is bounce effect

Scroll to the specified page.

# getCurrentPage()

  • Returns: page
type Page = {
  x: number,
  y: number,
  pageX: number, // pageIndex in horizontal direction
  pageY: number  // pageIndex in vertical direction
const page:Page = BScroll.getCurrentPage()

Get currentPage.

# startPlay()

If the loop configuration is turned on, manually turn on autoplay.

# pausePlay()

If the loop configuration is turned on, manually turn off autoplay.

# Events

# slideWillChange

  • Arguments: page object

    • { number } x: The x value of the page to be displayed
    • { number } y: The y value of the page to be displayed
    • { number } pageX: The index value of the horizontal page to be displayed, the subscript starts from 0
    • { number } pageY: The index value of the vertical page to be displayed, the subscript starts from 0
  • Trigger timing: When the currentPage value of slide is about to change

  • Usage:

In the banner, it is often accompanied by a dot legend to indicate which page the current banner is on, such as the "Horizontal Slide" example above. When the user drags the banner to the next one, we hope the dot legend below will change synchronously. As shown below


This effect can be achieved by register the slideWillChange event. code show as below:

  let currentPageIndex
  const slide = new BScroll(this.$refs.slide, {
    scrollX: true,
    scrollY: false,
    slide: {
      threshold: 100
    momentum: false,
    bounce: false,
    probeType: 2
  slide.on('slideWillChange', (page) => {
    currentPageIndex = page.pageX

# slidePageChanged 2.1.0

  • Arguments: page object

    • { number } x: The x value of the current page
    • { number } y: The y value of the current page
    • { number } pageX: The index value of the horizontal page, the subscript starts from 0
    • { number } pageY: The index value of the vertical page, the subscript starts from 0
  • Trigger timing: When slide page has changed

  const slide = new BScroll(this.$refs.slide, {
    scrollX: true,
    scrollY: false,
    slide: true,
    momentum: false,
    bounce: false
  slide.on('slidePageChanged', (page) => {
    currentPageIndex = page.pageX