# movable

# Introduction

Add move functionality for BetterScroll.

# Install

npm install @better-scroll/movable --save

// or

yarn add @better-scroll/movable

# Basic Usage

import movable, then call BScroll.use().

  import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
  import Movable from '@better-scroll/movable'


pass in the correct configuration in options, for example:

  new BScroll('.bs-wrapper', {
    bindToTarget: true,
    scrollX: true,
    scrollY: true,
    freeScroll: true,
    bounce: true
    movable: true // for movable plugin

The following is related to movable plugin and BetterScroll configuration:

  • movable(for plugin)

    Enable zoom functionality, set it true.

  • bindToTarget

    Must be set to true to actively bind the touch event to the element to be moved, because BetterScroll binds the touch event to the wrapper element by default.

  • freeScroll

    Record the offset of x and y direction when finger moved, set it true. In addtional, scrollX and scrollY are also need to be true.

  • scrollX

    Enable the scrolling ability in the x direction and set it to true.

  • scrollY

    Enable the scrolling ability in the y direction and set it to true.

  • bounce

    Specifies to turn on boundary rebound.

    • Examples
        bounce: true // Enable all directions,
        bounce: {
          left: true, // Enable the left
          right: true, // Enable the right
          top: false,
          bottom: false

# Demo

  • Only one content

    Usually, there is only one content.

      <div class="movable-container">
        <div class="scroll-wrapper" ref="scroll">
          <div class="scroll-content">
            <div class="scroll-item" v-for="(item, index) in emojis" :key="index">{{item}}</div>
  • Multi content

    However, in some scenarios, there may be multiple content.

# Advanced Usage

With zoom plugin, increase the zoom capability.

  import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
  import Movable from '@better-scroll/movable'
  import Zoom from '@better-scroll/zoom'
  new BScroll('.bs-wrapper', {
    bindToTarget: true,
    scrollX: true,
    scrollY: true,
    freeScroll: true,
    bounce: true
    movable: true // for movable plugin
    zoom: { // for zoom plugin
      start: 1,
      min: 1,
      max: 3

# Demo


pc is not allowed, scan the qrcode.

  • One Content

  • Multi Content

# Instance Methods

# putAt(x, y, [time], [easing]) 2.0.4

  • Arguments

    • {PositionX} x: x coordinate
      • PositionX: 'number | 'left' | 'right' | 'center'
    • {PositionY} y: y coordinate
      • PositionY: 'number | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center'
    • {number} [time]<Optional>: Scroll animation duration
    • {EaseItem} [easing]<Optional>: Ease effect configuration, refer to ease.ts (opens new window), the default is bounce effect

    Put the content element in a certain position. x and y can be not only numbers, but also corresponding strings.

  • Examples

const bs = new BScroll('.bs-wrapper', {
  bindToTarget: true,
  scrollX: true,
  scrollY: true,
  freeScroll: true,
  movable: true

// Placed in the center of the wrapper
bs.putAt('center', 'center', 0)

// Placed in the right-bottom corner of the wrapper, the animation duration is 1s
bs.putAt('right', 'bottom', 1000)