If you want to understand BetterScroll thoroughly, you need to understand the common properties of its instances, the flexible methods, and the hooks provided.

# Properties

Sometimes we want to do some extensions based on BetterScroll, we need to understand some of the properties of BetterScroll. Here are a few common properties.

# x

  • Type: number.
  • Usage: scroll horizontal axis coordinate.

# y

  • Type: number.
  • Usage: scroll vertical axis coordinate.

# maxScrollX

  • Type: number
  • Usage: max scrollable horizontal coordinate.
  • Note: horizontal scroll range is [minScrollX, maxScrollX], and maxScrollX is negative value.

# minScrollX

  • Type: number
  • Usage: min scrollable horizontal coordinate.
  • Note: horizontal scroll range is [minScrollX, maxScrollX], and minScrollX is positive value.

# maxScrollY

  • Type: number
  • Usage: max scrollable vertical coordinate
  • Note: vertical scroll range is [minScrollY, maxScrollY], and maxScrollY is negative value.

# minScrollY

  • Type: number
  • Usage: min scrollable vertical coordinate
  • Note: vertical scroll range is [minScrollY, maxScrollY], and minScrollY is positive value.

# movingDirectionX

  • Type: number
  • Usage: estimate the moving direction on horizontal is left or right.
  • Note: -1 means finger moves from left to right, 1 means moving from right to left, 0 means haven't moved.

# movingDirectionY

  • Type: number
  • Usage: estimate the moving direction on vertical is up or down during scrolling.
  • Note: -1 means finger moves from up to down, 1 means from down to up, 0 means haven't moved.

# directionX

  • Type: number
  • Usage: estimate the moving direction on horizontal between start position and end position is left or right.
  • Note: -1 means finger moves from up to down, 1 means from down to up, 0 means haven't moved.

# directionY

  • Type: number
  • Usage: estimate the moving direction on vertical between start position and end position is up or down.
  • Note: -1 means finger moves from up to down, 1 means from down to up, 0 means haven't moved.

# enabled

  • Type: boolean,
  • Usage: estimate whether the current scroll is enabled.

# pending

  • Type: boolean,
  • Usage: estimate whether the current scroll is animating.

# Methods

BetterScroll provides a lot of flexible APIs, which are used when we implement some features based on BetterScroll, and understanding them will help to meet more complex requirements.

# refresh()

  • Arguments: none.
  • Return: none.
  • Usage: recalculate BetterScroll to ensure scroll work properly when the structure of DOM changes.

# scrollTo(x, y, time, easing, extraTransform)

  • Arguments:
    • {number} x, horizontal axis distance. (unit: px)
    • {number} y, vertical axis distance. (unit: px)
    • {number} time, animation duration. (unit: ms)
    • {Object} easing function, usually don't suggest modifying. If you really need to modify, please refer packages/shared-utils/src/ease.ts's of source code
    • {Object} extraTransform, you only need to pass in this parameter if you want to modify some other properties of the CSS transform. The structure is as follows:
    let extraTransform = {
      // start point
      start: {
        scale: 0
      // end poinnt
      end: {
        scale: 1.1
    bs.scrollTo(0, -60, 300, undefined, extraTransform)
  • Return: none.
  • Usage: scroll to specified position.

# scrollBy(x, y, time, easing)

  • Arguments:
    • {number} x, horizontal axis changed distance. (unit: px)
    • {number} y, vertical axis changed distance. (unit: px)
    • {number} time, animation duration. (unit: ms)
    • {Object} easing function, usually don't suggest modifying. If you really need to modify, please refer packages/shared-utils/src/ease.ts.
  • Return: none.
  • Usage: scroll to specified position based on current position.

# scrollToElement(el, time, offsetX, offsetY, easing)

  • Arguments:
    • {DOM | string} el, target element. If the value is a string, we will try to use querySelector get the DOM element.
    • {number} time, animation duration. (unit ms)
    • {number | boolean} offsetX, the x offset to target element,If the value is true, scroll to the center of target element.
    • {number | boolean} offsetY, the y offset to target element,If the value is true, scroll to the center of target element.
    • {Object} easing function, usually don't suggest modifying. If you really need to modify, please refer packages/shared-utils/src/ease.ts.
  • Return: none.
  • Usage: scroll to target element.

# stop()

  • Arguments: none.
  • Return: none.
  • Usage: stop the scroll animation immediately.

# enable()

  • Arguments: none.
  • Return: none.
  • Usage: enable BetterScroll. It's enabled by default.

# disable()

  • Arguments: none.
  • Return: none.
  • Usage: disable BetterScroll. And it will make the callbacks of DOM events don't response.

# destroy()

  • Arguments: none.
  • Return: none.
  • Usage: destroy BetterScroll,remove events and free some memory when the scroll is not needed anymore.

# on(type, fn, context)

  • Arguments:
    • {string} type, event
    • {Function} fn, callback
    • {Object} context,default is this.
  • Return: none
  • Usage: listen for a hook on the current BScroll, such as "scroll", "scrollEnd" and so on.
  • Example:
import BScroll from '@BetterScroll/core'
let scroll = new BScroll('.wrapper', {
  probeType: 3
function onScroll(pos) {
    console.log(`Now position is x: ${pos.x}, y: ${pos.y}`)
scroll.on('scroll', onScroll)

# once(type, fn, context)

  • Arguments:
    • {string} type, event
    • {Function} fn, callback
    • {Object} context, default is this.
  • Return: none
  • Usage: listen for a custom event, but only once. The listener will be removed once it triggers for the first time.

# off(type, fn)

  • Arguments:
    • {string} type, event
    • {Function} fn, callback
  • Return: none
  • Usage: remove custom event listener. Only remove the listener for that specific callback.
  • Example:
import BScroll from '@BetterScroll/core'
let scroll = new BScroll('.wrapper', {
  probeType: 3
function handler() {
    console.log('bs is scrolling now')
scroll.on('scroll', handler)

scroll.off('scroll', handler)

# Events VS Hooks

Based on the 2.x architecture design and compatibility with 1.x events, we have extended two concepts-"Events" and "Hooks". Basically, they are all instances of EventEmitter, but they are called differently. Let's explain it from the excerpted source code below:

  export default BScrollCore extends EventEmitter {
    hooks: EventEmitter
  • BScrollCore

    It inherits EventEmitter itself. we all call it "event".

      import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
      let bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
      // listen bs scroll event
      bs.on('scroll', () => {})
      // listen bs refresh event
      bs.on('refresh', () => {})
  • BScrollCore.hooks

    Hooks are also instances of EventEmitter. we all call it "hook".

      import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
      let bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
      // tap bs refresh hook
      bs.hooks.on('refresh', () => {})
      // tap bs enable hook
      bs.hooks.on('enable', () => {})

I believe everyone now has a better distinction between the two. "Event" is for the compatibility of 1.x. Users generally pay attention to the distribution of events, but if you want to write a plugin, you should focus on "hooks".

# Events

In 2.0, BetterScroll events are almost same with 1.x events. Only BetterScroll will dispatch "events". If you need to expose events when writing plugins, you should also dispatch them through BetterScroll. details is here, the current events are divided into the following types:

  • refresh

    • Trigger timing: BetterScroll recalculate
      import BetterScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
      const bs = new BetterScroll('.wrapper', {})
      bs.on('refresh', () => {})
  • enable

    • Trigger timing: BetterScroll is enabled and starts to respond to user interaction
      bs.on('enable', () => {})
  • disable

    • Trigger timing: BetterScroll is disabled and no longer responds to user interaction
      bs.on('disable', () => {})
  • beforeScrollStart

    • Trigger timing: When the user's finger is placed on the scroll area
      bs.on('beforeScrollStart', () => {})
  • scrollStart

    • Trigger timing: Content element meets the scrolling conditions and will start scrolling
      bs.on('scrollStart', () => {})
  • scroll

    • Trigger timing: It is scrolling
      bs.on('scroll', (position) => {
        console.log(position.x, position.y)
  • scrollEnd

    • Trigger timing: End of scrolling, or force a content that is scrolling to stop
      bs.on('scrollEnd', () => {})
  • scrollCancel

    • Trigger timing: Scroll cancel
      bs.on('scrollCancel', () => {})
  • touchEnd

    • Trigger timing: User finger leaves the scroll area
      bs.on('touchEnd', () => {})
  • flick

    • Trigger timing: User triggered flick operation
      bs.on('flick', () => {})
  • destroy

    • Trigger timing: BetterScroll destroyed
      bs.on('destroy', () => {})
  • contentChanged 2.0.4

    • Trigger timing: When calling bs.refresh(), it is detected that the content DOM has become other elements
      // bs version >= 2.0.4
      bs.on('contentChanged', (newContent: HTMLElement) => {})

The following events must be registered for the plugin in parentheses to be dispatched:

  • alterOptions(mouse-wheel)

    • Trigger timing: mouse-wheel scroll starts
      import BetterScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
      import MouseWheel from '@better-scroll/mouse-wheel'
      const bs = new BetterScroll('.wrapper', {
        mouseWheel: true
      bs.on('alterOptions', (mouseWheelOptions) => {
         * mouseWheelOptions.speed
         * mouseWheelOptions.invert
         * mouseWheelOptions.easeTime
         * mouseWheelOptions.discreteTime
         * mouseWheelOptions.throttleTime
         * mouseWheelOptions.dampingFactor
        // please see details in mouse-wheel plugin doc
  • mousewheelStart(mouse-wheel)

    • Trigger timing: mouse-wheel scroll starts
      import BetterScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
      import MouseWheel from '@better-scroll/mouse-wheel'
      const bs = new BetterScroll('.wrapper', {
        mouseWheel: true
      bs.on('mousewheelStart', () => {})
  • mousewheelMove(mouse-wheel)

    • Trigger timing: mouse-wheel is scrolling
      bs.on('mousewheelMove', () => {})
  • mousewheelEnd(mouse-wheel)

    • Trigger timing: mouse-wheel scrollEnd
      bs.on('mousewheelEnd', () => {})
  • pullingDown(pull-down)

    • Trigger timing: When the top pull-down distance exceeds the threshold
      import BetterScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
      import PullDown from '@better-scroll/pull-down'
      const bs = new BetterScroll('.wrapper', {
        pullDownRefresh: true
      bs.on('pullingDown', () => {
        await fetchData()
  • pullingUp(pull-up)

    • Trigger timing: When the bottom pull-up distance exceeds the threshold
      import BetterScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
      import PullUp from '@better-scroll/pull-up'
      const bs = new BetterScroll('.wrapper', {
        pullUpLoad: true
      bs.on('pullingUp', () => {
        await fetchData()
  • slideWillChange(slide)

    • Trigger timing: The slide is about to switch page
      import BetterScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
      import Slide from '@better-scroll/slide'
      const bs = new BetterScroll('.wrapper', {
        slide: true,
        momentum: false,
        bounce: false,
        probeType: 2
      bs.on('slideWillChange', (page) => {
        // Page about to switch
        console.log(page.pageX, page.pageY)
  • beforeZoomStart(zoom)

    • Trigger timing: When two fingers touch the zoom element
      import BetterScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
      import Zoom from '@better-scroll/zoom'
      const bs = new BetterScroll('.wrapper', {
        zoom: true
      bs.on('beforeZoomStart', () => {})
  • zoomStart(zoom)

    • Trigger timing: Two-finger zoom distance exceeds the minimum threshold
      bs.on('zoomStart', () => {})
  • zooming(zoom)

    • Trigger timing: While the two-finger zoom behavior is in progress
      bs.on('zooming', ({ scale }) => {
        // current scale
  • zoomEnd(zoom)

    • Trigger timing: After the two-finger zoom action ends
      bs.on('zoomEnd', ({ scale }) => {})

# Hooks

A hook is a concept extended from version 2.0. Its essence is the same as an event. It is an instance of EventEmitter, which is a typical subscription publishing model. As the smallest scroll unit, BScrollCore also has many functional classes inside. Each functional class has a property called hooks, which bridges the communication between different classes. If you want to write a complex plugin, hooks must be mastered.

  • BScrollCore.hooks

    • beforeInitialScrollTo

      • Trigger timing: After initial loading the plugin, you need to scroll to the specified position
      • Arguments: position object
        • { x: number, y: number }
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        bs.hooks.on('beforeInitialScrollTo', (postion) => {
          postion.x = 0
          position.y = -200 // Initialize scroll to -200
    • refresh

      • Trigger timing: Recalculate BetterScroll
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        bs.hooks.on('refresh', () => { console.log('refreshed') })
    • enable

      • Trigger timing: Enable BetterScroll to respond to user behavior
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        bs.hooks.on('enable', () => { console.log('enabled') })
    • disable

      • Trigger timing: Disable BetterScroll and no longer respond to user behavior
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        bs.hooks.on('disable', () => { console.log('disabled') })
    • destroy

      • Trigger timing: Destroy BetterScroll
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        bs.hooks.on('destroy', () => { console.log('destroyed') })
    • contentChanged 2.0.4

      • Trigger timing:When calling bs.refresh(), it is detected that the content DOM has become other elements
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        // bs version >= 2.0.4
        bs.hooks.on('contentChanged', (newContent: HTMLElement) => { console.log(newContent) })
  • ActionsHandler.hooks

    • beforeStart

      • Trigger timing: Just respond to the touchstart event, but the position of the finger on the screen has not been recorded
      • Arguments: event object
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.actionsHandler.hooks
        hooks.on('beforeStart', (event) => { console.log(event.target) })
    • start

      • Trigger timing: After recording the position of the finger on the screen, touchmove will be triggered
      • Arguments: event object
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.actionsHandler.hooks
        hooks.on('start', (event) => { console.log(event.target) })
    • move

      • Trigger timing: Responding to the touchmove event, after recording the position of the finger on the screen
      • Arguments: Objects with the following properties
        • { number } deltaX: x offset
        • { number } deltaY: y offset
        • { event } e: event object
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.actionsHandler.hooks
        hooks.on('move', ({ deltaX, deltaY, e }) => {})
    • end

      • Trigger timing: Responding to touchend event
      • Arguments: event object
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.actionsHandler.hooks
        hooks.on('end', (event) => {})
    • click

      • Trigger timing: Trigger the click event
      • Arguments: event object
  • ScrollerActions.hooks

    • start

      • Trigger timing: After recording all the scrolling initial information
      • Arguments: event object
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.actions.hooks
        hooks.on('start', (event) => { console.log(event.target) })
    • beforeMove

      • Trigger timing: Before checking whether it is legal scrolling
      • Arguments: event object
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.actions.hooks
        hooks.on('beforeMove', (event) => { console.log(event.target) })
    • scrollStart

      • Trigger timing: scroll is abount to start
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.actions.hooks
        hooks.on('scrollStart', () => {})
    • scroll

      • Trigger timing: It is scrolling
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.actions.hooks
        hooks.on('scroll', () => {})
    • beforeEnd

      • Trigger timing: The touchend event callback has just been executed, but the final position has not been updated
      • Arguments: event object
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.actions.hooks
        hooks.on('beforeEnd', (event) => { console.log(event) })
    • end

      • Trigger timing: Just execute the touchend event callback and update the scroll direction
      • Arguments: Two Arguments, the first is the event object, the second is the current position
        • { event } e: event object
        • { x: number, y: number } postion: current position
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.actions.hooks
        hooks.on('end', (e, postion) => { console.log(e) })
    • scrollEnd

      • Trigger timing: Scrolling is about to end, but you still need to verify whether a scrolling behavior triggers flick and momentum behaviors.
      • Arguments: Two Arguments, the first is the current position, the second is the animation duration
        • { x: number, y: number } postion: current position
        • { number } duration: animation duration
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.actions.hooks
        hooks.on('beforeEnd', (pos, duration) => { console.log(pos) })
    • coordinateTransformation

      • Trigger timing: After calculating the offset of the user's finger, before scrolling occurs
      • Arguments: transformateDeltaData object
        • { deltaX: number, deltaY: number } transformateDeltaData
      • Usage
      let bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {
          quadrant: 1 // default value
        (transformateDeltaData) => {
          // get user finger moved distance
          const originDeltaX = transformateDeltaData.deltaX
          const originDeltaY = transformateDeltaData.deltaY
          // apply transformation
          transformateDeltaData.deltaX = originDeltaY
          transformateDeltaData.deltaY = originDeltaX
          // transformateDeltaData.deltaX will be used as content DOM style's translateX
          // transformateDeltaData.deltaY will be used as content DOM style's translateY

      This hook is usually to fix the logic of user-defined displacement transformation when the ancestor element of the wrapper DOM of BetterScroll is rotated. In most cases, it only needs to be configured quadrant.

  • Behavior.hooks

    • beforeComputeBoundary

      • Trigger timing: About to calculate the scroll boundary
      • Arguments: boundary object
        • { minScrollPos: number, maxScrollPos: number } boundary
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.scrollBehaviorX.hooks
        hooks.on('beforeComputeBoundary', () => {})
    • computeBoundary

      • Trigger timing: Calculate the scroll boundary
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.scrollBehaviorX.hooks
        hooks.on('computeBoundary', (boundary) => {
          // The maximum value of the upper boundary, the more positive, the greater the pull down
          // The minimum value of the lower boundary, the more negative, the farther you roll
    • momentum

      • Trigger timing: Meet the conditions for triggering momentum animation, and before calculating distance
      • Arguments: Two Arguments, the first is the momentumData object, the second is the scroll offset
        • { destination: number, duration: number, rate: number} momentumData: destination is the target position, duration is the easing time, rate is the slope
        • { number } distance: Scroll offset to trigger momentum
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.scrollBehaviorX.hooks
        hooks.on('momentum', (momentumData, distance) => {})
    • end

      • Trigger timing: Does not meet the conditions for triggering momentum animation
      • Arguments: momentumInfo object
        • { destination: number, duration: number} momentumInfo: destination is the target position, duration is the easing time
      • Usage
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.scrollBehaviorX.hooks
        hooks.on('end', (momentumInfo) => {
  • Animation.hooks(useTransition: false)

    • forceStop

      • Trigger timing: Force a scrolling bs to stop
      • Arguments: position object
        • { x: number, y: number } position
    • move

      • Trigger timing: Scrolling
      • Arguments: position object
        • { x: number, y: number } position
    • end

      • Trigger timing: Scroll ended
      • Arguments: position object
        • { x: number, y: number } position
  • Transition.hooks(useTransition: true)

    • forceStop

      • Trigger timing: Force a bs that is doing animation to stop
      • Arguments: position object
        • { x: number, y: number } position
    • move

      • Trigger timing: Scrolling
      • Arguments: position object
        • { x: number, y: number } position
    • end

      • Trigger timing: Scroll ended
      • Arguments:position object
        • { x: number, y: number } position
    • time

      • Trigger timing: Before the CSS3 transition started, the wheel plugin listened to the hook
      • Arguments: CSS3 transition duration
          import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
          const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
          const hooks = bs.scroller.animater.hooks
          hooks.on('time', (duration) => {
            console.log(duration) // 800
    • timeFunction

      • Trigger timing: Before the CSS3 transition started, the wheel plugin listened to the hook
      • Arguments: CSS3 transition-timing-function
          import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
          const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
          const hooks = bs.scroller.animater.hooks
          hooks.on('timeFunction', (easing) => {
            console.log(easing) // cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.7, 1.0, 0.1)
  • Translater.hooks

    • beforeTranslate

      • Trigger timing: Before modifying the transform style of the content element, the zoom plugin listened to the hook
      • Arguments: The first is the transformStyle array, the second is the point object
        • { ['translateX(0px)'|'translateY(0px)'] } transformStyle: The property value corresponding to the current transform
        • { x: number, y: number } point: x corresponds to the value of translateX, y corresponds to the value of translateY
          import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
          const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
          const hooks = bs.scroller.translater.hooks
          hooks.on('beforeTranslate', (transformStyle, point) => {
            console.log(transformStyle) // ['translateX(0px)', 'translateY(0px)', 'scale(1.2)']
            console.log(point) // { x: 0, y: 0 }
    • translate

      • Trigger timing: After modifying the transform style of the content element, the wheel plugin listened to the hook
      • Arguments: point object
        • { x: number, y: number } point: x corresponds to the value of translateX, y corresponds to the value of translateY
          import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
          const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
          const hooks = bs.scroller.translater.hooks
          hooks.on('translate', (point) => {
            console.log(point) // { x: 0, y: 0 }
  • Scroller.hooks

    • beforeStart same with ScrollerActions.hooks.start

    • beforeMove same with ScrollerActions.hooks.beforeMove

    • beforeScrollStart same with ScrollerActions.hooks.start

    • scrollStart same with ScrollerActions.hooks.scrollStart

    • scroll

      • Trigger timing: Scrolling
      • Arguments: position object
        • { x: number, y: number } position
    • beforeEnd same with ScrollerActions.hooks.beforeEnd

    • touchEnd

      • Trigger timing: User finger leaves the scroll area
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.hooks
        hooks.on('touchEnd', () => {
          console.log('your finger has leave')
    • end

      • Trigger timing: After touchEnd, it is triggered before verifying click. The pull-down plugin is implemented based on this hook
      • Arguments: position object
      • { x: number, y: number } position
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.hooks
        hooks.on('end', (position) => {
    • scrollEnd

      • Trigger timing: Scroll ended
      • Arguments: position object
        • { x: number, y: number } position
    • resize

      • Trigger timing: window size changed
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.hooks
        hooks.on('resize', () => {
          console.log("window's size has changed")
    • flick

      • Trigger timing: Finger flicking detected
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.hooks
        hooks.on('flick', () => {})
    • scrollCancel

      • Trigger timing: Scroll canceled or did not happen
    • momentum

      • Trigger timing: Momentum displacement is about to begin, and the slide plugin listens to the hook
      • Arguments: scrollMetaData object
        • { time: number, easing: EaseItem, newX: number, newY: number }: time is the duration of the animation, easing is the easing function, newX and newY are the end points
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.hooks
        hooks.on('momentum', (scrollMetaData) => {
          scrollMetaData.newX = 0
          scrollMetaData.newY = -200
    • scrollTo

      • Trigger timing: Triggered when the bs.scrollTo method is called
      • Arguments: endPoint object
        • { x: number, y: number } endPoint
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.hooks
        hooks.on('scrollTo', (endPoint) => {
        bs.scrollTo(0, -200)
    • scrollToElement

      • Trigger timing: Triggered when the bs.scrollToElement method is called, and the wheel plugin listens to the hook
      • Arguments: The first is the target DOM object, the second is the coordinates of the end point
        • { HTMLElment } el
        • { top: number, left: number } postion
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.hooks
        hooks.on('scrollToElement', (el, pos) => {
        bs.scrollToElement('.some-item', 300, true, true)
    • beforeRefresh

      • Trigger timing: Before behavior calculates the boundary, the slide plugin listens to the hook
        import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
        const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {})
        const hooks = bs.scroller.hooks
        hooks.on('beforeRefresh', () => {})


If you are careful, you will find that some Scroller.hooks have exactly the same functions as ScrollActions.hooks. In fact, we internally use a hook bubbling (opens new window) strategy to proxy the hooks of the inner function classes to the BetterScroll Instance in the form of bubbling to be compatible with the use of 1.x.